Sune Hansen and his wife Emily Ward Hansen, international riders respectively for Denmark and Antigua have set up Spring Hill Dressage in East Sussex. The former thoroughbred stud is now a training complex that offers everything the dressage competition horse could require. Full size indoor and outdoor arenas, there are two stable yards, lunge arena, horse walker, winter turnout pens, acres of paddocks, a 500 meter surfaced gallop track and woods with hacking tracks.

Sune trained in Germany and did his education to become ‘Pferdewirtschaftsmeister’ which he graduated with honours.

He was head rider at Blue Hors stud in Denmark where he was on the team for the World Games in Kentucky, won medals in 3 Danish Championships and rode in 2 European Championships. He was on the winning Nations Cup team in Hickstead and currently has 2 horses competing at Grand Prix.
Emily spent 12 years in Holland before moving to Germany and then Denmark

During this time she qualified for the Olympics in 2008 but was unable to go due to soundness issues. She has competed internationally across Europe with five different horses and is currently bringing on some talented youngsters.
Set in the beautiful East Sussex countryside, Spring Hill is designed to create a positive environment for horse and rider. The 24 horses are split over two yards, there is a central tack up area directly adjoining the indoor school, which provides washing facilities and solarium as well as tack room, blanket room and kitchen. The outdoor school is adjacent to the indoor and the sand and fiber surface is irrigated from beneath the surface using water form a holding reservoir. There are several large fields with post and rail fencing and surfaced winter turnout paddocks. There is a 500 meter surfaced canter track and tracks through the woods surrounding the property.
We pride ourselves on caring for the horses as the individuals they are, everything is designed to make the place an efficient and safe working environment.
Before riding starts all horses will have either had a spell in the field on the walker. They have four hard feeds a day and ad-lib hay or haylage according to the individual.
We have regular visits from the physio, the dentist comes every six months, the farrier every four weeks, the feed nutritionist and saddle fitter visit monthly.
Contact Us
Spring Hill Dressage,
Maynards Green, Heathfield,
East Sussex, TN21 0DJ
Tel: 01435 661182